eo: Akvolito
no: Vannseng
sl: Vodna postelja

Vodna postelja

Prvotno so imele vodne postelje trdi okvir, v katerem je bilo eno vodno jedro, zato je bilo moc cutiti tresljaje oziroma valovanje ob premikanju na postelji. Kasnejše generacije vodnih postelj imajo dve loceni vodni jedri, varnostni bazen ter penasto oziroma mehko ogrodje. Vsako vodno jedro ima tudi grelec ter termostat, s katerim je mogoce uravnavati temperaturo. Vodna postelja je težka od 500 – 600 kg. Ima posebej narejen podstavek, ki omogoca enakomerno razporeditev teže. Za vas smo pripravili spletne strani na katerih boste izvedeli prav vse o vodnih posteljah. Predstavili vam bomo prednosti vodnih postelj, povedali, zakaj jih priporocajo zdravniki ter njihovi lastniki in vam svetovali pri odlocitvi za nakup kvalitetne vodne postelje.


En vannseng er en seng med en madrass som inneholder vann. Dette skal gi komfort og en behagelig søvn. Temperaturen blir regulert av en elektronisk termostat


Akvolitohavas per akvo plenigitan matracon, kiu donas egalan subtenon al la homa korpo. Oni havas la senton kvazau svebi. La matraco devas esti tre zorge plenigita, car eventualaj aervezikoj kauzas genajn sonojn. Kaj ec sen aero formigas post iom da tempo divido inter likvajo kaj nelikva partoj. Pro tio oni ofte ade movas la enhavon. Iuj dormantoj estas genataj de tiu tre mallauta brueto.

Danyang Qiaomenglai Waterbeds Co. LTD
is one of the leading Waterbed Manufacturers worldwide. If you search for a factory that will produce your perfect waterbed system, in that case we are the right choice for you.

Waterbed Manufacturer China

Because we manufacture the Waterbeds in China, we can offer you cheap prices for every article made of vinyl or foam. We are cheaper than some other waterbed factories in China or whole Asia, but we surely are not the cheapest waterbed manufacturer worldwide. Even if you buy our cheapest Waterbeds we try to do works like welding and cutting of the vinyl the best as we can and we have a long time knowledge in manufacturing waterbeds.

We can manufacture waterbeds with the most durable foils produced by BAYER AG from Germany.


Waterbed version Split
This Waterbed model is one of the most sold in the European Waterbed Market. Many brands want it in different versions of foam rails or artificual leather covers for the Split Waterbed Decoration.

Here you will see the detailed description of the waterbed / watermattress Split


Waterbed version Standard
This Waterbed version is sold to all over the world in different kinds of foam rails and watermattress.

Here you will see the detailed description of the Waterbed / Watermattress Standard


Waterbed articles like Foam Rails, Waterbag, Liners, Matress covers, waterbed heaters
We, as one of the leading Waterbed Manufacturers worldwide, can offer you any product around the Waterbed System. If you don`t find what you want feel free to contact us.

Here you will see the detailed description of the Waterbed / Watermattress articles like Foam Rails, Mattress Covers, Waterbags and Liners, Waterbed Heaters.


Joining of Plastics and Composites for manufacturing a waterbed or Watermattress  

Welding a special Waterbed-PVC-Foil to manufacture the watermattress.

Process Description of welding a waterbed or watermattress with Radio Frequency

Waterbed-Foils: Plastics and Composites for manufacturing waterbed foils



Waterbeds of Qiaomenglai manufactures many articles for the waterbed system. One of the leading waterbed manufacturer worldwide. waterbed or watermattress softside hardside. Producer of waterbed brands worldwide. Handmade waterbeds by modern machines. High quality waterbeds.Waterbed factory. Waterbeds produced in China made by Quiaomenglai waterbed manufacturer.
waterbed producer and manufacturer watermattress or waterbed mattress